NEVIO For Tom Tailor

Genauso stellen wir uns einen Wochenstart vor. Keolas Kid Nevio strahlt für die neue Tom Tailor Kampagne und wir sind so unglaublich stolz! 
That's how a week should start. Our kid Nevio is shining for the new Tom Tailor campaign and were so proud and happy to see that he had a lot of fun! 
#keola #keolaskids #keolaskidsmodels#modelling #shooting #photoshoot #kidsagency #kindermodelagentur #kindermodelagenturdüsseldorf #kindermodelageturnrw #kindermodelagenturberlin #kindermodelagenturköln #kindermodelagenturhamburg #kindermodelagenturmünchen #weekstart #fashion #campaign #tomtailor  